Films at The Galway Film Fleadh
The Galway Film Fleadh is undoubtedly Ireland’s leading film festival. A six-day international event, the Fleadh is held every July and welcomes a diverse range

OTTCO Industrial Scale Oil Facility 3D Modelled
OTTCO Some months ago, we were approached to create a video for an oil shipping and storage facility in The Middle East. A large scale industrial

My Bridge programme internship with GLUE
For this week’s blog, I’ve been asked to give an overview about my time on the Bridge programme, through Animation Skillnet, to photo-realistic modelling and

LEGO Shakespeare
The man himself It is almost 400 years since the death of William Shakespeare (or Willm Shaxberd, depending on which of the 80+ variations of

Explosions! Fire & Smoke in VFX
If you ask a group of people for an example of visual effects, some people will say green screen, others will mention monsters, but most will reckon explosions! Fireballs

GLUE Batman V Superman competition
Earlier this year, GLUE put out a blog about upcoming films we’re excited about. To celebrate the most notable of these upcoming films, GLUE has teamed up

Keyframe 3 – Advice for the VFX and animation industries
Keyframe had it’s 3rd annual seminar this month and hosted a number of talks and workshops from some of the country’s most talented creatives. Keyframe

VFX and Animation Summit Dublin 2015
Has it really been a year already? We’ve been jogging on the spot, hyperventilating, excited as children at Christmas with the thoughts of this year’s

Strengths of Previs
How crowd simulation and previs can aid filmmakers in a variety of ways in both pre and post production, and how to combine it with traditional methods to get the best results.

GLUE looks at the use of VFX in film
Following up on the brilliant visual essay written by RocketJumpFilm School, GLUE gives it’s two cents on state of VFX in film and when to mix practical with computer generated effects.

Creating a Digital City
Modular building as a term originates from real-world construction techniques where modular buildings or homes are prefabricated. The technique is now commonplace in creating digital environments for both games and visual effects, granting greater flexibility and allowing you to recreate a shot with digital assets.

Digital Characters and Crowd Simulation
Crowd simulation is a way of animating crowds of digital characters and is used when creating individual animations is impractical or time consuming. Let’s look at a 3D scene the GLUE team have been working on.

Top 5 best LEGO Eurovision moments!
We were commissioned to create the visuals for a LEGO themed homage to the Eurovision and to wish it a Happy 60th Birthday! In this weeks blog we would like to take the opportunity to break down some of the shots and explain a little about the process and how this stop motion style 3D animation was created.

Using green screen and CG elements to build any scene
Today we would like to share a breakdown of how we can achieve any effect using green screen and CG elements to build any scene. This is how we can often help with safety training videos, enabling us to show scenarios which are too dangerous for a stunt actor.

St. Patrick’s Day Video part 2
Part 2 – St. Patrick’s Day Saint Patrick’s Day fever is upon us again with everything from hairstyles to world landmarks being turned green

St. Patrick’s Day Video part 1
We’ve created an extra-special St. Patrick’s Day greetings video that you can personalise and share with friends, family and clients on your favourite social media sites! We go through the process to show what was involved and how we created the video.

Comparing Special Effects and Visual Effects – Physical props and CG elements
Comparing Special Effects and Visual Effects – Physical props and CG elements – how can they help health and safety training. It was our job then to recreate the bar in 3D space, model and sculpt the bar to scale, simulate the correct lighting for the scene, animating and compositing the final shots to create a believable scene.

Digital Biscuit 2015 Interviews
We took time out to chat with Birch Hamilton, Founder/Director of Digital Biscuit, Glen Southern (zBrush master) and Richard Glynn of Studio Powwow to find out their thoughts on this years event which GLUE had the pleasure of being a partner of.

Adding Hair and Fur to CG Creatures
Adding hair and fur to CG creatures for our clients Vision 2021 UAE project. We give a short breakdown and show what’s possible in your projects. The project was a great success and the best comment we heard was – “How did you train the falcon to fly so close to the camera?”

Digital Biscuit Dublin 2015
Digital Biscuit Dublin 2015 is upon us already and GLUE have been displaying at the event with a show-reel of some of our proudest moments. Looking around, we thought it would be criminal of us not to share with you just some of the people, educators, companies, services and products on show at the event.

Waterfalls to rain drops – liquids in Visual Effects
When we think of CG liquids in an advertisement we often get images for bottled water but CG liquids are used in a wide variety of television and film. We look into the wide range of uses of liquid simulations in video production.

Here’s to 2015 at GLUE
We would like to thank all of our clients and Facebook friends for you support in 2014 and we wish you all a happy and successful new year in all your endeavours! In this weeks blog we discuss 2014 and look forward to 2015!

How 3D printing could affect our lives
3D printing has been around since the early 1980s in various forms, but has really only taken off in the last number of years. Amongst the pros for this type of technology include accuracy, quickness and efficiency, little energy or materials necessary and prints can be made when and where you need them, making 3D printing great for prototyping new designs.

Problem Solving and how to make objects disappear
In the daily duties of a VFX artist, there are various tasks other than keying green-screen footage, placing environments around the keyed actors, or even creating effects such as explosions (who doesn’t love explosions?!).

VFX Summit Dublin 2014
With three weeks to go, the second annual Visual Effects and Animation Summit will take place again this year in Dublin on the 28th, 29th and 30th November. We were lucky enough to ask Laura Livingstone a few questions about this event.

How important is music in your video: custom music for my video
“Clients ask can we create custom music for my video?”
How Important is music in your Video?
In this weeks blog we discuss how GLUE can create custom music for your video.

Great funding news for the Irish film, television and animation industry
This week the Irish Government announced it’s budget for 2015 and rather surprisingly it came with some great funding news for the Irish film, television and animation industry!

VFX online training revolution calling
This week, GLUE examines the various VFX online training resources available in both visual effects and gaming, offering advice on how to get involved in these industries.

The evolution of VFX in Ireland: what are your options?
The Visual Effects industry moves just as quickly as the technology industry. In the same way that smart phones have changed communications in the last 10 years, Visual Effects has changed media just as drastically. We spoke to Stephen Lohan, CEO of Image Ireland, asking how he is helping others keep pace with this ever-changing world.

Should I use green-screen, build a set or shoot on location? That is the question!
This week, we look at the process of ‘keying’ or masking out an actor or prop from it’s environment, to be re-composited into a new environment. This technique has been in place for a number of years, from Hollywood blockbusters to daily TV Weather Forecasts…
GLUE helps to describe the process to explain how it’s all done!

Can you create our logo in 3D for my online video
This blog post will detail some of the processes we use to create a company ident logo in 3D for an award winning Irish film and television production company Mixed Bag Media (an ident is an animated version of a logo).

A guide to 3d modelling an environment for film
We attempt to elaborate on the expansive topic of 3D modelling using examples from a recent music video project. 3D modelling for film is generally dictated by the level of detail required – compare Toy Story with Iron Man!

How Green Screen can save your video
We recently shot a music video which was really heavy on Visual Effects.
After lengthy processes of scripting, storyboarding and pre-visualization, we determined that a lot of the footage would need to be shot on a Green Screen.

Revolution in film making using previs
There has been a revolution in filmmaking, we explain how previs is changing the visual effects world for the better. Many would argue that the process has revolutionised filmmaking, some of the most successful and visually stunning films have used and continue to utilise previs.

Creating 5,000 3D birds particle simulation for video
Glue created a flock of 5,000 3D birds to represent freedom in this feature film directed by award winning Paco Torres. Have a look behind the scenes to see how this was achieved.

Dublin Comic Con 2014
GLUE decided to let our hair down and rolled along to the second annual Dublin Comic Con 2014 in Dublin’s National Show Centre. In recent years, the world of ‘geek culture’ as a whole has become more accepted and accessible, with our cult favourites now becoming household names.

Creating an artificial environment and set extension for 1916 video
The GLUE team recently worked on a project for RTE’s Storyland; this involved us having to create an explosion in Dublin’s GPO during the 1916 Rising, here’s a breakdown of the work we did on these shots.

HDRI and how it can bring my product to life in a video (Part 2)
Since it’s introduction, High Dynamic Range imaging has revolutionised digital post-processing in imaging, film and photography, raising the standard of creative freedom to an unprecedented level by capturing everything from the brightest of highlights to the darkest of shadows. High-Dynamic-Range-imaging achieves these results by producing a broader tonal-range than previously possible using only standard digital-imaging techniques.

Narration is another very important part of the Glue pipeline
Narration tells a story or conveys a message verbally and helps clarify complex information. It is important to remember that a well-written script, smooth delivery and clear, crisp recording can make a world of difference to your explainer video, commercial or product demonstration.

HDRi and how it can bring my product to life in a video (Part 1)
A HDRI is a 360 degree image which is wrapped around the VFX element to get the correct lighting environment to help get the most realistic lighting and shadow effects whether it be in an online video, presentation or your corporate video demonstration for a new product or service.

Would you like a Digital Biscuit with your tea?
GLUE is delighted to be a partner of Digital Biscuit 2014! Digital Biscuit is an event of combined programmed talks and technology expositions over three

Season’s Greetings from all at GLUE
Season’s Greetings with all good wishes for the New Year. Here’s our cheesy video card for the silly season 🙂 We’re taking a short break

Fiach Moriarty “Married to Music” Music Video
GLUE recently finished work on some visual effects shots for the “Married to Music” music video for the talented Fiach! Spread the Love 😉 www.fiachmusic.com

GLUE at VFX Summit Dublin
The GLUE stand at the VFX Summit Dublin 2013 in the Science Gallery. Irelands VFX and Animation Event November 29 / 30, 2013. It was

Bring a little magic to your brand
Quick video in which we brought different video elements and 3d models together to create something unusual… and something to share 🙂
New Office!
The big move to the new office begins! The guard alien has done a great job so far watching the place the last week… So